Wells Methodist Church
Minister - Rev. Tina Swire
Welcome to the Wells Methodist Church. We are a community of people, following Jesus, and his example, serving God and his people in the ways we each can.
Wells Methodist Church
24 Southover
Sunday Morning Weekly Worship at 10:30am
The Sunday morning service is either led by our minister, a visiting minister or lay preachers from the circuit. In addition, we occasionally have local arrangements lead by worship leaders from the congregation. After the service - as well as tea and coffee - members of the prayer ministry team, are always available to pray with you.
Monthly Evening services - 2nd Sunday of the month at 6:30pm
Informal evening services, usually a discussion based around a DVD are held once a month. After the service, there is plenty of time to get to know each other over tea and biscuits and often some lovely cakes from our team of volunteers